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Unreachable code from if-statement about String checks

For some reason I get an error that the line currentUser = gar.getAccount(userN); is unreachable and yet it shouldn't be. Garage.getAccount() is just a retrieval from a Hashmap. Both if statements don't counter each other and I've tried adding else statements but no matter what it says the line is unreachable.

package main;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

    private static Scanner input;
    private static Garage gar;
    private static Attendant currentUser;
    private static boolean isManager;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        input = new Scanner(;
        gar = new Garage(10, 80, 10);
        currentUser = null;
        while (currentUser == null)

    public static void logIn() {
        System.out.println("Enter username: ");
        String userN = input.nextLine();
        System.out.println("Enter password:");
        String userP = input.nextLine();
        //if no username, go back
        if(gar.getAccount(userN) == null) { 
            error("Incorrect username");
        if(gar.getAccount(userN).getPassword().equals(userP) == false); { //if entered password doesn't match
            error("Incorrect password");
        currentUser = gar.getAccount(userN);

    //update to throw error pop-up later
    public static void error(String er) { System.out.println(er); }


  • Your Syntax is incorrect, Condition of if statement should not be ended with semicolon.

     package main;
        import java.util.Scanner;
        public class Main {
            private static Scanner input;
            private static Garage gar;
            private static Attendant currentUser;
            private static boolean isManager;
            public static void main(String[] args) {
                input = new Scanner(;
                gar = new Garage(10, 80, 10);
                currentUser = null;
                while (currentUser == null)
            public static void logIn() {
                System.out.println("Enter username: ");
                String userN = input.nextLine();
                System.out.println("Enter password:");
                String userP = input.nextLine();
                //if no username, go back
                if(gar.getAccount(userN) == null) { 
                    error("Incorrect username");
                if(gar.getAccount(userN).getPassword().equals(userP) == false) { //if entered password doesn't match
                    error("Incorrect password");
                currentUser = gar.getAccount(userN);
            //update to throw error pop-up later
            public static void error(String er) { System.out.println(er); }