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How can I grab top selling product for each month using sql?

Given a table with monthly transactions (customer id, month, payment) and a table with customer info (type 2 dimension) (id, cust_id, plan type, num users, start_date, end_date):

What is the top grossing plan each month (month, $, plan)?

My answer below seems like it would only return the top products plan by amount rather than per month.

    Sales.month as SalesMonth, 
    SUM(Sales.payment) AS MonthlySales, 
    CustomerInfo.plan_type AS PlanType 
FROM Sales 
INNER JOIN CustomerInfo ON Sales.customer_id=CustomerInfo.cust_id
GROUP BY SalesMonth, MonthlySaleS, PlanType 
ORDER BY MonthlySales, PlanType
ORDER BY MonthlySales DESC 

I am stumped on the next two.

2) Given the above tables how many customers are brought on every month (month, plan, # new customers)?

3) Given the above tables, how many people switch plans per month (month, from plan to plan, # customers)?


  • You could proceed as follows:

    • first use an aggregate query to compute the monthly sales per plan
    • then rank records by descending monthly sales within months partitions
    • finally, filter on the top record in each month


    SELECT SalesMonth, PlanType, MonthlySales
    FROM (
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY as SalesMonth ORDER BY MonthlySales desc) rn
        FROM (
                s.month as SalesMonth, 
                c.plan_type AS PlanType, 
                SUM(s.payment) AS MonthlySales
            FROM sales s
            INNER JOIN CustomerInfo s ON s.customer_id = c.cust_id
            GROUP BY s.month, c.plan_type
        ) x
    ) y
    WHERE rn = 1