I need to change the body of a function depending on input given by users.
modelstring <- function() {
for (h in (l1i1[j]):(l1i2[j])) {
w[h] <- 1/l1n[h]
userinput <- "b.w[1]*X.w[i,1]^exp(b.w[2]*X.w[i,2])"
body(modelstring)[[2]][[4]][[2]][[3]] <- userinput
The problem is that the changed function includes quotation marks. How do I get rid of them?
function ()
for (h in (l1i1[j]):(l1i2[j])) {
w[h] <- "b.w[1]*X.w[i,1]^exp(b.w[2]*X.w[i,2])"
When evaluating the user input as formula, the replacement works and no quotation marks are inserted
userinput <- as.formula(w ~ b.w[1]*X.w[i,1]^exp(b.w[2]*X.w[i,2]))
However, I need to use <- or just the right-hand side. In those cases, the formula is evaluated, which gives an error.
I have also tried noquote which still gives quotation marks:
userinput <- noquote("b.w[1]*X.w[i,1]^exp(b.w[2]*X.w[i,2])")
Finally, I have tried different combinations of expr(!!userinput), subs(), and substitute.
Assuming that the desired inputs are
function and userinput
use parse
to convert the string to an expression and then add [[1]] on the end to convert that from an expression to a call object:
userinput <- "b.w[1]*X.w[i,1]^exp(b.w[2]*X.w[i,2])" # as in question
body(modelstring)[[2]][[4]][[2]][[3]] <- parse(text = userinput)[[1]]
## function ()
## {
## for (h in (l1i1[j]):(l1i2[j])) {
## w[h] <- b.w[1] * X.w[i, 1]^exp(b.w[2] * X.w[i, 2])
## }
## }
Here is a simpler example that may be useful to play around with:
# inputs
f <- function() { 37 }
s <- "pi * pi"
body(f)[[2]] <- parse(text = s)[[1]]
## [1] 9.869604