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R Startup on Windows10- "The system cannot find the path specified." message. How can I find the path?

This is not a big deal; everything seems to be working, but I'm bothered by a message that I receive every time I start R on Windows 10:

**The system cannot find the path specified.**

R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) -- "Action of the Toes"
Copyright (C) 2019 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

I've reinstalled it, changed paths in, messed with my path. I can directly run the R executable:

The system cannot find the path specified.

and still get the message.

Anyways, I just want to understand R's startup sequence a bit better, so I'd appreciate any advice on where to look to find that path R is trying to open at startup.

Update @Pepv's link led me to the startup package's startup(debug=TRUE) function. After doing a bit of cleanup, below is the full output. The answer has to be staring me in the face now.

The system cannot find the path specified.

R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) -- "Action of the Toes"
Copyright (C) 2019 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

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  Natural language support but running in an English locale

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[1] "I'm the in the R installation directory!"
[1] "I am the .Rprofile in C:/devl"
> startup::startup(debug = TRUE)
0.001s: System information:
0.007s: - R_HOME: 'C:/R/R-3.6.1' (existing folder)
0.012s: - R call: C:\R\R-3.6.1/bin/x64/Rterm.exe
0.017s: - Current directory: 'C:/Users'
0.022s: - User's home directory: '~' => 'C:\devl' (existing folder)
0.028s: - Search path: '.GlobalEnv', 'package:stats', 'package:graphics', 'package:grDevices', 'package:utils', 'package:datasets', 'package:methods', 'Autoloads', 'package:base'
0.044s: - Loaded namespaces: 'compiler', 'startup', 'graphics', 'utils', 'grDevices', 'stats', 'datasets', 'methods', 'base'
0.055s: The following has already been processed by R:
0.061s: - R_ENVIRON: ''
0.063s: - R_ENVIRON_USER: ''
0.068s: - R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES: '' (= 'base,methods,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats')
0.078s: - R_LIBS: 'C:\devl\Rpackages'
0.083s: - R_LIBS_SITE: ''
0.086s: - R_LIBS_USER: 'C:\devl\Rpackages'
0.090s: - R_PROFILE: ''
0.095s: - R_PROFILE_USER: 'C:\devl\.Rprofile' (1 lines; 42 bytes)
0.105s: - 'C:/R/R-3.6.1/etc/' (2 code lines; 619 bytes)
0.117s: - 'C:\devl\.Rprofile' (1 code lines; 42 bytes)
0.124s: startup::startup()-specific processing ...
0.130s: Found startup directory '~/.Renviron.d'.
0.145s: Processing 1 Renviron files ...
0.153s:  - 'C:\devl/.Renviron.d/.Renviron' (0 lines; 0 bytes) setting 0 environment variables
0.164s: Processing 1 Renviron files ... done
0.177s: Found startup directory 'C:\devl\.Rprofile.d'.
0.188s: Processing 1 Rprofile files ...
0.196s:  - 'C:\devl\.Rprofile.d/.Rprofile' (1 code lines; 30 bytes)
[1] "I am in .Rprofile.d"
0.208s: Processing 1 Rprofile files ... done
0.216s: - unloading the 'startup' package
0.222s: - Search path: '.GlobalEnv', 'package:stats', 'package:graphics', 'package:grDevices', 'package:utils', 'package:datasets', 'package:methods', 'Autoloads', 'package:base'
0.238s: - Loaded namespaces: 'compiler', 'graphics', 'utils', 'grDevices', 'stats', 'datasets', 'methods', 'base'
0.250s: startup::startup()-specific processing ... done
0.257s: The following will be processed next by R:
0.262s: - R_HISTFILE: ''
0.274s: - .First(): no such function on search()
0.279s: - Remaining packages per R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES to be attached by base::.First.sys() (in order):

Update 2 Or maybe not. Rterm.exe does not trigger the message, and per this source, "R (as opposed to Rterm) is a small .exe program that does a little argument parsing, then runs Rterm." Even R.exe --help triggers the message so this must have something to do with the actual R.exe argument parsing. Close to closing this question.


  • When R starts, the following user-specific setup takes place:

    The first .Renviron file found on the R startup search path is processed. The search path is (in order): (i) Sys.getenv("R_ENVIRON_USER"), (ii) ./.Renviron, and (iii) ~/.Renviron. The format of this file is one ENV_VAR=VALUE statement per line, cf. ?.Renviron. NOTE: Some environment variables must be set already in this step in order to be acknowledged by R, i.e. it is too late to set some of them in Step 2 and Step 3 below.

    The first .Rprofile file found on the R startup search path is processed. The search path is (in order): (i) Sys.getenv("R_PROFILE_USER"), (ii) ./.Rprofile, and (iii) ~/.Rprofile. The format of this file must be a valid R script (with a trailing newline), cf. ?.Rprofile.

    If the .Rprofile file (in Step 2) calls startup::startup() then the following will also take place:

    a. The first .Renviron.d directory on the R startup search path is processed. The search path is (in order): (i) paste0(Sys.getenv("R_ENVIRON_USER"), ".d"), (ii) ./.Renviron.d, and (iii) ~/.Renviron.d. The format of these files should be the same as for .Renviron. NOTE: Some environment variables must be set already in Step 1 above in order to be acknowledged by R.

    b. A set of handy R options that can be use in Step 3c are set. Their names are prefixed startup.session. - see ?startup::startup_session_options for details.

    c. The first .Rprofile.d directory found on the R startup search path is processed. The search path is (in order): (i) paste0(Sys.getenv("R_PROFILE_USER"), ".d"), (ii) ./.Rprofile.d, and (iii) ~/.Rprofile.d. The format of these files should be the same as for .Rprofile, that is, they must be valid R scripts.

    d. If no errors occur above, the startup package will be unloaded, leaving no trace of itself behind, except for R options startup.session.* set in Step 3b - these will be erased if startup::startup() is called with keep = NULL.

    Info extracted from


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