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expss table with row percentage within nested variables in R

When using the expss package in R for creating tables, how does one get the row_percentages to be calculated within a nested variable? In the example below, I would like the row percentage to be calculated within each time period. Thus, I would like the row percentage to sum to 100% within each time period (2015-2016 and 2017-2018). Now however, the percentage is calculated over the entire row.



mtcars$period <- "2015-2016"
mtcars <- rbind(mtcars, mtcars)
mtcars$period[33:64] <- "2017-2018"

mtcars = apply_labels(mtcars,
                      cyl = "Number of cylinders",
                      am = "Transmission",
                      am = c("Automatic" = 0,
                      period = "Measurement period"

mtcars %>% 
  tab_cells(cyl) %>% 
  tab_cols(period %nest% am) %>% 
  tab_stat_rpct(label = "row_perc") %>% 

Created on 2019-09-28 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

 |                     |              |          | Measurement period |        |              |        |
 |                     |              |          |          2015-2016 |        |    2017-2018 |        |
 |                     |              |          |       Transmission |        | Transmission |        |
 |                     |              |          |          Automatic | Manual |    Automatic | Manual |
 | ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------ | ------ | ------------ | ------ |
 | Number of cylinders |            4 | row_perc |               13.6 |   36.4 |         13.6 |   36.4 |
 |                     |            6 | row_perc |               28.6 |   21.4 |         28.6 |   21.4 |
 |                     |            8 | row_perc |               42.9 |    7.1 |         42.9 |    7.1 |
 |                     | #Total cases | row_perc |               19.0 |   13.0 |         19.0 |   13.0 |


  • I believe this is what you are after:

    mtcars$period <- "2015-2016"
    mtcars <- rbind(mtcars, mtcars)
    mtcars$period[33:64] <- "2017-2018"
    mtcars = apply_labels(mtcars,
                          cyl = "Number of cylinders",
                          am = "Transmission",
                          am = c("Automatic" = 0,
                          period = "Measurement period"
    mtcars %>% 
      tab_cells(cyl) %>% 
      tab_cols(period %nest% am ) %>% 
      tab_subgroup(period =="2015-2016") %>%
      tab_stat_rpct(label = "row_perc") %>%
      tab_subgroup(period =="2017-2018") %>%
      tab_stat_rpct(label = "row_perc") %>%
      tab_pivot(stat_position = "inside_rows")

    Pay attention to the use of tab_subgroup() which determines which subgroup of year period we want to calculate the percentage as well as to stat_position = "inside_rows" which determines where we want to put the calculated output in the final table.


     |                     |              |          | Measurement period |        |              |        |
     |                     |              |          |          2015-2016 |        |    2017-2018 |        |
     |                     |              |          |       Transmission |        | Transmission |        |
     |                     |              |          |          Automatic | Manual |    Automatic | Manual |
     | ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------------------ | ------ | ------------ | ------ |
     | Number of cylinders |            4 | row_perc |               27.3 |   72.7 |              |        |
     |                     |              |          |                    |        |         27.3 |   72.7 |
     |                     |            6 | row_perc |               57.1 |   42.9 |              |        |
     |                     |              |          |                    |        |         57.1 |   42.9 |
     |                     |            8 | row_perc |               85.7 |   14.3 |              |        |
     |                     |              |          |                    |        |         85.7 |   14.3 |
     |                     | #Total cases | row_perc |               19.0 |   13.0 |              |        |
     |                     |              |          |                    |        |         19.0 |   13.0 |


    We do not need %nest% if we do not want nested rows(i.e. twice more rows). In this case, the final part of the code should be modified as follows:

    mtcars %>% 
      tab_cells(cyl) %>% 
      tab_cols(period,am) %>% 
      tab_subgroup(period ==c("2015-2016")) %>%
      tab_stat_rpct(label = "row_perc") %>%
      tab_subgroup(period ==c("2017-2018")) %>%
      tab_stat_rpct(label = "row_perc") %>%
      tab_pivot(stat_position = "outside_columns")


     |                     |              | Measurement period | Transmission |          |           |
     |                     |              |          2015-2016 |    Automatic |   Manual | Automatic |
     |                     |              |           row_perc |     row_perc | row_perc |  row_perc |
     | ------------------- | ------------ | ------------------ | ------------ | -------- | --------- |
     | Number of cylinders |            4 |                100 |         27.3 |     72.7 |      27.3 |
     |                     |            6 |                100 |         57.1 |     42.9 |      57.1 |
     |                     |            8 |                100 |         85.7 |     14.3 |      85.7 |
     |                     | #Total cases |                 32 |         19.0 |     13.0 |      19.0 |
              | Measurement period |
       Manual |          2017-2018 |
     row_perc |           row_perc |
     -------- | ------------------ |
         72.7 |                100 |
         42.9 |                100 |
         14.3 |                100 |
         13.0 |                 32 |