Let us assume my only method of scripting is via a batch file.
I have a batch file with a long list of commands, however, I need to include two contingencies:
I'd prefer to keep this in the same batch file as the rest of the code. I've tried sewing together some commands, but usually get a syntax error. I am able to make the IP portion work, using %ERRORLEVEL% however, I can only figure out searching for a single IP mask.
Here is a VERY wrong and rudimentary code:
@ECHO off
for /F "tokens=1*" %%G in ('SYSTEMINFO ^| FIND /I "DOMAIN:"') do (
IF %%G == ".com" (
) ELSE ( GOTO :NoRun
ipconfig | find /i "192." "169."
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto IPCheck
REM Domain address is configured and will continue script.)
isn't able to look for more than one search string. Findstr
is. See findstr /?
for more information.
You don't even need any sort of loop:
@echo off
ipconfig | find "IPv4" | findstr /c:" 192." /c:" 169." >nul && goto :NoRun
systeminfo | findstr /RBE "Domain:.*\.com" >nul || goto :NoRun
echo all ok. Insert payload here...
goto :eof
echo this system doesn't meet the prerequisites.