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Is boost::interprocess::shared_ptr threadsafe (and interprocess-safe)?

I want to share data between threads, and have it automatically deleted when the last user is done with it. This seems to work, most of the time, using boost::interprocess::shared_ptr in a boost::fixed_managed_shared_memory segment: but not always.

So, is boost::interprocess::shared_ptr thread (and interprocess) -safe?

If I'm using my shared memory at a fixed address (I'm pretty certain this is going to be okay in my 64-bit (well, 48-bit) address space), is it possible to use a normal boost::shared_ptr (which are threadsafe) instead?

some clarification:

The pointer type I use is plain void*, (my shared memory is mapped to a fixed address).

The question of threadsafety is about the reference count -- i.e., whether copying/destroying shared pointers to the same thing in different processes at the same time is permitted. Not access to the same shared pointer in different threads, and not access to the pointee.


  • The reference count used in boost::interprocess:shared_ptr is implemented using an atomic counter defined in boost/interprocess/detail/atomic.hpp with the refcount logic mainly implemented by boost/interprocess/smart_ptr/detail/sp_counted_base_atomic.hpp. The intent is to have the refcount be handled in a thread (and interprocess) safe manner.

    The atomic operation implementations differ depending on the specific target platform (Windows uses the Win32 Interlocked APIs, some platforms use various inline assembly, etc). It might be helpful to know what platform you're targeting. I suppose that you may be running into a bug in the refcount handling, though I wouldn't count on it.

    I've restricted the above answer to the area you wanted specifically addressed:

    The question of threadsafety is about the reference count -- i.e., whether copying/destroying shared pointers to the same thing in different processes at the same time is permitted. Not access to the same shared pointer in different threads, and not access to the pointee.

    That said, I'd look at bugs introduced possibly by the items you mention above or by somehow creating 'independent' boost::interprocess:shared_ptr objects (where different shared_ptrs refer to the same object using different refcounts). This situation can be easy to have happen if you have some code that continues to use and/or pass around the raw object pointer.