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What is giving rise to unsolved type constraints in this generic-lens application?

I have the following module based on examples from higgledy README as well as the source code thereof.

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications          #-}

module FDS.UtilTypes where

import           Control.Lens                     ((^.), Const (..))
import qualified Data.Generics.Internal.VL.Lens   as G
import qualified Data.Generics.Product            as G
import           Data.Functor.Const               (Const (..))
import           Data.Generic.HKD
import           Data.Kind (Type)

type Labels a = HKD a (Const Text) -- Every field holds a string.

class TextLabel (structure :: Type) where
  textLabel :: HKD structure (Const Text)

getLabel :: forall ft f structure inner.
  G.HasField' ft (HKD structure f) (f inner) =>
  Labels structure -> Text
getLabel labels = getConst $ labels ^. G.field' @ft

It seems like I've faithfully reproduced their higgledy's field value in the first part of the signature of getLabel, but something is still amiss:

    • Could not deduce: Data.Generics.Product.Fields.ErrorUnless
                          (HKD structure (Const Text))
                             ft (GHKD_ (Const Text) (GHC.Generics.Rep structure)))
        arising from a use of ‘G.field'’
      from the context: G.HasField' ft (HKD structure f) (f inner)
        bound by the type signature for:
                   getLabel :: forall (ft :: ghc-prim-0.5.3:GHC.Types.Symbol) (f :: *
                                                                                   -> *) structure inner.                                                                         
                              G.HasField' ft (HKD structure f) (f inner) =>
                              Labels structure -> Text
        at src/FDS/UtilTypes.hs:(45,1)-(47,26)
    • In the second argument of ‘(^.)’, namely ‘G.field' @ft’
      In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘labels ^. G.field' @ft’
      In the expression: getConst $ labels ^. G.field' @ft
    • Relevant bindings include
        labels :: Labels structure (bound at src/FDS/UtilTypes.hs:48:9)
        getLabel :: Labels structure -> Text
          (bound at src/FDS/UtilTypes.hs:48:1)
48 | getLabel labels = getConst $ labels ^. G.field' @ft
   |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^

    • Could not deduce (Data.Functor.Contravariant.Contravariant
                          (GHKD_ (Const Text) (GHC.Generics.Rep structure)))
        arising from a use of ‘G.field'’
      from the context: G.HasField' ft (HKD structure f) (f inner)
        bound by the type signature for:
                   getLabel :: forall (ft :: ghc-prim-0.5.3:GHC.Types.Symbol) (f :: *
                                                                                   -> *) structure inner.                                                                         
                              G.HasField' ft (HKD structure f) (f inner) =>
                              Labels structure -> Text
        at src/FDS/UtilTypes.hs:(45,1)-(47,26)
    • In the second argument of ‘(^.)’, namely ‘G.field' @ft’
      In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘labels ^. G.field' @ft’
      In the expression: getConst $ labels ^. G.field' @ft
48 | getLabel labels = getConst $ labels ^. G.field' @ft
   |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^

I can directly use higgledy's field implementation in the same code base like:

sxLabels :: Labels SxRecord
sxLabels = textLabel @SxRecord

markKey :: Text
markKey = getConst $ sxLabels ^. field @"mark"

So why does this not work in the first case? Is there a fix?


  • Your signature asks for HasField' on HKD structure f (for some unknown f), but you're actually trying to use field' on an HKD structure (Const Text). Hence the "missing instance" error.

    You need to replace f with Const Text in the constraint and get rid of f:

    getLabel :: forall ft structure inner.
      G.HasField' ft (HKD structure (Const Text)) (Const Text inner) =>
      Labels structure -> Text
    getLabel labels = getConst $ labels ^. G.field' @ft