I have a dataframe that has 100 variables va1--var100
. I want to bring var40
, var20
, and var30
to the front with other variables remain the original order. I've searched online, methods like
1: df[[var40, var20, var30, var1....]]
2: columns= [var40, var20, var30, var1...]
all require to specify all the variables in the dataframe. With 100 variables exists in my dataframe, how can I do it efficiently?
I am a SAS user, in SAS, we can use a retain statement before the set statement to achieve the goal. Is there a equivalent way in python too?
Consider reindex
with a conditional list comprehension:
first_cols = ['var30', 'var40', 'var20']
df = df.reindex(first_cols + [col for col in df.columns if col not in first_cols],
axis = 'columns')