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Cannot run ansible on RHEL 7 - Paramiko is not installed

I have a server running RHEL 7, and I have installed ansible but cannot run a playbook with error saying paramiko is not installed. I have verified that paramiko is installed and also tried to install paramiko using pip but still does not work.

TASK [Show the Connection] **************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [ASA]: FAILED! => {"msg": "paramiko is not installed: No module named paramiko"}

Below are the versions I have:

sh-4.2$ sudo yum install ansible
Package ansible-2.8.5-2.el7ae.noarch already installed and latest version
sh-4.2$ sudo yum install python-paramiko
Package python-paramiko-2.1.1-9.el7.noarch already installed and latest version


  • I already resolved this issue. We had to add the rhel-7-server-extras-rpms in addition to the already added rhel-7-server-ansible-2.8-rpms and do a yum remove ansible and yum install ansible.