I want to create a new variable/column (WHRcat) by 2 variables (WHR and sexe) under a certain condition wth dyplr, mutate and case_when.
WHR sexe WHRcat (new variable)
1.5 1
2.8 2
0.2 2
0.3 1
1.1 1
My code:
test<- test%>% mutate(WHRcat = case_when((WHR >= 1.02 & sexe = 1) ~ 1,
(WHR < 1.02 & sexe = 1) ~ 2,
(WHR >= 0.85 & sexe = 2) ~ 3,
(WHR < 0.85 & sexe = 2) ~ 4,
TRUE ~ 0))
Though doesnt work.
> test<- test%>% mutate(WHRcat = case_when((WHR >= 1.02 & sexe = 1) ~ 1,
+ (WHR < 1.02 & sexe = 1) ~ 2,
+ (WHR >= 0.85 & sexe = 2) ~ 3,
+ (WHR < 0.85 & sexe = 2) ~ 4,
+ TRUE ~ 0))
Error in WHR >= 1.02 & sexe = 1 : could not find function "&<-"
What am I doing wrong?
See this example which sould work:
#' # case_when is particularly useful inside mutate when you want to
#' # create a new variable that relies on a complex combination of existing
#' # variables
#' starwars %>%
#' select(name:mass, gender, species) %>%
#' mutate(
#' type = case_when(
#' height > 200 | mass > 200 ~ "large",
#' species == "Droid" ~ "robot",
#' TRUE ~ "other"
#' )
#' )
from https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/blob/master/R/case_when.R
The issue is in the use of assignment operator =
instead of comparison ==
test<- test%>%
mutate(WHRcat = case_when((WHR >= 1.02 & sexe == 1) ~ 1,
(WHR < 1.02 & sexe == 1) ~ 2,
(WHR >= 0.85 & sexe == 2) ~ 3,
(WHR < 0.85 & sexe == 2) ~ 4,
TRUE ~ 0))