I manage to deploy a Scala Play 2.7 App that uses Postgres but it doesn't run with error:
(base) bravegag@Zeus:~/code/myapp$ heroku open
› Error: Missing required flag:
› -a, --app APP app to run command against
› See more help with --help
(base) bravegag@Zeus:~/code/myapp$ heroku logs --tail
› Error: Missing required flag:
› -a, --app APP app to run command against
› See more help with --help
How do I fix that?
that's a heroku cli flag, not scala/play. just specify the name of your heroku app when using the heroku cli:
$ heroku open --app <app-name>
(same for other commands)
you can find the name of your app in heroku dashboard (somewhere in https://heroku.com)
If you enter your app in heroku you will reach a link like https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/<app-name>