I have created some JUnit test cases as per below hierarchy.
Package name e.g :
Under this package, i have 2 test cases:
1: First Test case(with class name NormalTest and method name as caseNormalTest) with @Test annotation
2: And second test case (with class name RepeatTest and methods name as caseRepeatTest) with @RepeatedTest which will repeat the same test 2 times with different input values.
my question is how i can get the same classname xml output for @RepeatedTest as its not displaying the full package name. Also is it possible to get the repetition count in the surefire report?
Now when i run the test case using Jenkins, maven-surefire-plugin generate the test result xml for @RepeatedTest
<testcase name="caseRepeatTest" classname="caseRepeatTest()" time="30.636"/>
<testcase name="caseParametrization" classname="caseParametrization()" time="13.013"/>
whereas for @Test annoation i m getting
<testcase name="caseNormalTest" classname="test.qa.paramter.myTest.NormalTest" time="22.796"/>
below is my POM setting
<argLine>-Xms512m -Xmx2048m</argLine>
Upgrade to Maven Surefire 2.22.0 or higher and remove the dependency on the obsolete junit-platform-surefire-provider
Details here: https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#running-tests-build-maven