Firstly, I do not mean changing the color on ion-header/ion-toolbar.
I would like to change the app bar/header color of my Ionic 4 app from the default blue to white. Is there a way to change this using only the config.xml?
I have previously tried
In app.component.ts initializeApp()
// let status bar overlay webview
// set status bar to white
but this just changes the status bar (obviously). I was told to try it and I did...
Lastly, I would rather not install another cordova plugin (like cordova-plugin-headercolor).
Thank you guys for your time.
Good heads up with the existing plugin.
I know you say you would prefer not add another cordova plugin, but in this case I don't see why not.
Check out the repo, click through to the code. It's a tiny snippet of java that is being run.
Trying to keep the number of plugins to a minimum is good general advice, but that is just because they can easily include huge libraries and be cpu hogs. The number of plugins itself is not the actual issue.