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Typo3: How to get the View exception error

I am Developing a custom extension for Typo3. now I am getting an error if the user did not include my extension from template's include section.

I want to catch this error to show a message from controller. How can I do this?

my controller action.

 public function listAction()
    $audits = $this->auditRepository->findAll();
    $this->view->assign('arrDetails', $audits);


  • This could be one solution, but not the cleanest.

    We first need to get the values from the field include_static_file that it is located on the sys_template table. So:

    $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getConnectionForTable('sys_template')->createQueryBuilder();
    $result = $queryBuilder

    The we need to get the string and evaluate if your extension key is present. So:

     $extKey = 'your_extension_key';
     if (strpos($result['include_static_file'], $extKey) !== false) {
        $audits = $this->auditRepository->findAll();
        $this->view->assign('arrDetails', $audits);
     else {
                'You forgot to add the static template',
                $messageTitle = 'Template is missing',
                $severity = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\AbstractMessage::WARNING,
                $storeInSession = TRUE

    Your HTML

    <f:if condition="{arrDetails}">
            do something with your content
               <f:flashMessages />

    Of course you can write a static function for this or you can use the LocalizationUtility in order to get the text in multiple languages. It is up to you.


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