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INIntets bug? Response.: Property name must contain characters

I am messing around with SiriKit Intents and as part of that I am currently getting this error when trying to build:

Response.: Property name must contain characters

Never heard of it and all my Response and summary fields are definitely filled.

One thing I was trying out is to display the Printed Dialog with newLines, which at least isn't possible with the normal INIntentDefinitionEditor(-thing) so what I did is basically editing the intents xml a bit like this:

Nice to meet ${you}.

And I could see it working in the TextField in the IntentDefinitionEditor as well so I don't think that should be the reason or am I wrong and that actually broke it? .-.

EDIT: oh, and I do use those auto-complete 'symbols' (like ${you}) and removing those didn't work either..

Any ideas welcome...


  • So after removing the intent and starting over (aka discarding all recent changes I made) it somehow just started working....

    Important: It IS indeed possible to use multilines with SiriKit as responses like I did, that's not the issue. It's valid XML and works just fine...

    My best guess is that it was just some bug similar to this other SiriIntents bug. Other approaches are to clean the build folder, delete the "DerivedData" folder and re-build the project.

    Good luck, y'all!