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Multiple Laravel Horizon(s) on same server

I am running two Laravel 5.8 apps (yasmin and stcc) on one server via Forge and I use "laravel/horizon": "^3.2" with both websites. I start and keep the queue workers up via Forge Daemons php artisan horizon command on both directories.

In both websites .env and horizon.php config files I set unique queue names and prefixes so the jobs dont mix, plus I changed memory limit to 32MB (so far I am only using jobs to send emails).

It works fine, only I have some questions because I see some differences and strange behavior.

First question: Why I dont see "CPU Threads" and "Memory" columns on stcc Horizon dashboard and in yasmin dashboard it doesnt show anything?

yasmin yasmin

stcc stcc

Second question: Why does the htop command shows that processes use 128MB of memory?

htop htop

I restarted whole server and clear-cached both laravel configs with php artisan optimize command before running Horizon, yet these two things still bother me.


  • These metrics were removed from Laravel Horizon in this PR:

    The following explanation was provided:

    Since this PR was causing quite some bugs for others and also introduced a performance hit we've decided to revert it entirely. We also won't be re-considering a new PR anymore. We'd like to encourage you to use other tools to track and measure CPU/Memory consumption and just keep Horizon to its core features.

    It was removed in v3.2.3. v3.2.2 still had these metrics. The feature was really quite short-lived.