Example table structure:
create table issues
(id int, title varchar(50), affectedclients varchar(max))
create table clients
(id int, name varchar(50))
insert into issues (id, title, affectedclients) values (1, 'Error when clicking save', '["1","2"]');
insert into issues (id, title, affectedclients) values (2, '404 error on url', '[3]');
insert into clients (id, name) values (1, 'Tesco');
insert into clients (id, name) values (2, 'Costa');
insert into clients (id, name) values (3, 'Boots');
insert into clients (id, name) values (4, 'Nandos');
I want to run a query so that I can get the data in the following format:
Id Title AffectedClients 1 Error when clicking save Tesco, Costa 2 404 error on url Boots
How can I achieve this please in the most performant way possible?
If this will be very easy with a properly normalized database then please provide an example.
You need to use OPENJSON()
with explicit schema definition to parse the JSON
text in the affectedclients
column. After that you need to aggregate the names (using FOR XML PATH
for SQL Server 2016+ or STRING_AGG()
for SQL SQL Server 2017+).
create table issues
(id int, title varchar(50), affectedclients varchar(max))
create table clients
(id int, name varchar(50))
insert into issues (id, title, affectedclients) values (1, 'Error when clicking save', '["1","2"]');
insert into issues (id, title, affectedclients) values (2, '404 error on url', '[3]');
insert into clients (id, name) values (1, 'Tesco');
insert into clients (id, name) values (2, 'Costa');
insert into clients (id, name) values (3, 'Boots');
insert into clients (id, name) values (4, 'Nandos');
Statement for SQL Server 2016+:
[affectedclients] = STUFF(
SELECT CONCAT(', ', c.[name])
FROM OPENJSON(i.affectedclients) WITH (id int '$') j
LEFT JOIN clients c on c.id = j.id
), 1, 2, '')
FROM issues i
Statement for SQL Server 2017+:
SELECT i.id, i.title, STRING_AGG(c.name, ', ') AS affectedclients
FROM issues i
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(i.affectedclients) WITH (id int '$') j
LEFT JOIN clients c ON c.id = j.id
GROUP BY i.id, i.title
ORDER BY i.id, i.title
id title affectedclients
1 Error when clicking save Tesco, Costa
2 404 error on url Boots