I have a text value which has a URL as part of it in every text. How do I identify if the word technical is part of the link?
create table t as
select 'Part of the technical Network Group www.technical.com/sites/' as text from dual
union select 'Technical Network Group' as text from dual;
select * from t
where regexp_like(text,'technical','i')
I am getting both the texts. I need just the first text. The link may differ it can be www.tech.technical as well.
You may use
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'www\.\S*technical','i')
Or, if you also want to consider the URL can start with http
or https
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(text,'(https?://|www\.)\S*technical','i')
- a www.
- 0+ chars other than whitespacetechnical
- a technical
substring.See the online demo:
with testdata(text) as (
select 'Part of the technical Network Group www.technical.com/sites/' from dual
select 'Part of the technical Network Group www.some.com/sites/technical' from dual
select 'Technical Network Group' from dual
select * from testdata where regexp_like(text,'www\.\S*technical','i')
See another demo with http