I'm currently upgrading from rails 4.2 to rails 5.0 and managed to fix/update most of the things except a bunch of rspec tests.
When I run my suite with rspec spec/
or rake parallel:spec
I get intermittent test failures similar to:
Printed Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
right before the failing tests and there is no route.
This is mostly in my helpers & mailers folder. When I run the helpers with rspec spec/helpers
they all pass. Is super strange because some helpers with route paths in them pass and some don't.
Looked at this, https://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails/issues/1644, rails-controller-testing
is not the issue. This did not help at all.
I'm using
I spent a lot of time on this and finally found the culprit. I started by removing folders one by one from the specs/
folder and having --format documentation
I managed to cut down to a single file that, when it was executed before the helpers
in the suite, it crashed them.
That old test had
before(:each) do
routes.draw { get 'search' => 'warden#search' }
and fixed by adding
after do
I ended up changing the entire test eventually just to get rid if the reload_routes!
because it seemed more of a hack than a fix.