I created a Stored Procedure which has 2 filters in where clause. I have included one filter and am able to get the results.However, when am trying to include the second one, the procedure is not displaying any values.
The user enters the parameter from UI Screen and clicks on search button.
UI Screen:
Emp ID: _____________
Search button Cancel button
The data is coming from a table called Employee in Oracle database.
Employee Table:
Emp_id ---- Name----- Phone Number------ Country
1---- John Smith ---- US-765-234-4567--- USA
2---- Sam Benigal---- AL-978-346-765--- Argentina
3---- Mark Taylor---- AS-987-3987-857--- Australia
4---- Claire Furner--- CA-85-454-5454--- Canada
For the second filter, I need to use the phone number which contains the data beginning with the countrycode ('US-765-234-4567' for country USA; 'AR-978-346-765' for Argentina country; 'AS-987-3987-857' for Australia country... and so on) and match with the input parameter 'pt_country' to generate the results. I have used the Substring function in this scenario because based on the first two characters in the phone number, i need to get the result.
Also, the input parameter "pt_country" can have a value or can be NULL.
Procedure search_emp ( pt_id in number,
pt_name in varchar2,
pt_country in varchar2,
empCursor out ref cursor)
v_countrycode CHAR(2);
v_count NUMBER;
SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM r_country where UPPER(country) = UPPER(pt_country);
IF v_count > 0 THEN
SELECT countrycode INTO v_countrycode FROM r_country where UPPER(country) = UPPER(pt_country);
END IF; -- here, am trying to get the country code from the table for the input parameter 'pt_country' that is passed.
open empCursor for
select e.emp_id,
from employee e
where upper(e.emp_id) = upper(pt_emp_id)
and (UPPER(substr(e.phone_number,1,2)) LIKE UPPER(v_countrycode) or pt_country IS NULL);
--- I'm not sure how to get the results when the User gives a value to the input parameter 'pt_country'.
Please help.
Try this below procedure , need to define cursor as SYS_REFCURSOR to get output
create or replace Procedure search_emp ( pt_emp_id in number,
pt_name in varchar2,
pt_country in varchar2,
empCursor out SYS_REFCURSOR)
v_countrycode CHAR(2);
v_count NUMBER;
SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM r_country where UPPER(country) = UPPER(pt_country);
IF v_count > 0 THEN
SELECT countrycode INTO v_countrycode FROM r_country where UPPER(country) = UPPER(pt_country);
END IF; -- here, am trying to get the country code from the table for the input parameter 'pt_country' that is passed.
open empCursor for
select e.emp_id,
from employee e
where upper(e.emp_id) = upper(pt_emp_id)
and (UPPER(substr(e.phone_number,1,2)) LIKE UPPER(v_countrycode) or pt_country IS NULL);
--- I'm not sure how to get the results when the User gives a value to the input parameter 'pt_country'.