I'm trying to make navigation view that leads to destination view with scroll view, where navigation title of destination view would animate towards inline display mode or at least scroll behind the nav bar itself.
Basically I'm trying to replicate behavior of standard Music app, specifically when you go from Library to Songs.
There you have source view (Library) with its own title that is animated into inline display mode on scroll. When you tap Songs you also get list with new title (Songs) that also animates into inline display mode on scroll.
So I have main NavigationView with NavigationBarTitle. I move to destinationView with its own NavigationBarTitle and some long list of content. On scroll, NavigationBarTitle of main Navigation view changes to inline display mode, but NavigationBar of destination view behaves very odd: it's basically an overlay with no background and no animation.
And if you remove NavigationBarTitle of destination view all together it only makes things worse. It seems like it adds another transparent NavigationBar with nothing in it.
Also tried to add background to the navigation bar, looked around documentation, but found no solution.
Not sure if I'm doing something very wrong or it's just beta bug of SwiftUI or Xcode.
import UIKit
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
List(0..<20) { item in
NavigationLink(destination: DetailedView()) {
Text("Next view")
.navigationBarTitle("Source View")
struct DetailedView: View {
var body: some View {
List(0...25) { number in
Text("This is \(number)'th row")
.navigationBarTitle(Text("Destination View"))
// comment out line above to see empty frame of navigation bar
This is fixed in the iOS 13.1 public release (with the App Store release of Xcode 11).