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Create a QTableWidgetItem with flags()

I dont understand the Qt5 Documentation in the TableWidgetItem-Chapter. I cant get the right parameters to set my freshly created TableCell as editable. I've got this piece of code

for i, item in enumerate(event_desc, start=0):
        print(i, item)
        key   = QTableWidgetItem(list(event_desc)[i])
        value = QTableWidgetItem(event_desc[item])
        value.setFlags( * what's to insert here? * )
        tw.setItem(i, 0, key)
        tw.setItem(i, 1, value)

The first param should be *self, the 2nd one is named 'Union' (What does this mean? i cant go further, this param is missing)


  • If you must set a QTableWidgetItem as editable you must do:

    value.setFlags(value.flags() | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable)

    The operator | allows to enable a flag, and instead the operation & ~ disables them.