Hello I'm trying to access to an especific key from a JSON. I'm using node.js and angular 7 The JSON I got is stringfy and it comes from an API.
This is the JSON I got
"search": {
"entry": [
"dn": "uid=080030781,c=mx,ou=s,o=i.com",
"attribute": [
{ "name": "mail", "value": ["CAMILA.CAMPOS.TELLEZ@mail.com", "MX08@mail.com"] }]
"return": {
"code": 0,
"message": "Success",
"count": 1
I need to access to the key "value", because I need to get the value "camila.campos.tellez@mail.com". I get the JSON from an API declarated in a node.js file called app.js, then I catch the response from it using this service.ts file
getApproverMail(name) {
console.log('entered to rootservice');
return this.http.get(this.baseUrl + '/costing/operations?name=' + name);
Finally I can access to this through a component.ts fil with this code
findApproverMail() {
this.rootService.getApproverMail(this.aproverName).subscribe((res) => {
this.email = res;
console.log('Test: ' + res);
And the browser console prints the JSON I have show you. But how can I access only to the mail's value? P.D I need only the mail because after I got it the web site needs to send an email to that direction
JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. Any valid JSON is an object in JavaScript (and TypeScript). You can use dot notation to navigate into the object:
findApproverMail() {
this.rootService.getApproverMail(this.aproverName).subscribe((res) => {
this.email = res.search.entry[0].attribute[0].value[0];
console.log('Test: ' + res);
I would recommend defining an interface
in the shape of what you expect from the service. It's cleaner than just indexing around an any
typed object.
Also note that I hard code 0
indexes because that answers your question. You might consider a more dynamic / flexible way to get the address or elements you need.