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Access to a JSON Value in Angular 7

Hello I'm trying to access to an especific key from a JSON. I'm using node.js and angular 7 The JSON I got is stringfy and it comes from an API.

This is the JSON I got

  "search": {
    "entry": [
        "dn": "uid=080030781,c=mx,ou=s,",
        "attribute": [
          { "name": "mail", "value": ["", ""] }]
      "return": {
      "code": 0,
        "message": "Success",
          "count": 1

I need to access to the key "value", because I need to get the value "". I get the JSON from an API declarated in a node.js file called app.js, then I catch the response from it using this service.ts file

 getApproverMail(name) {
    console.log('entered to rootservice');
    return this.http.get(this.baseUrl + '/costing/operations?name=' + name);

Finally I can access to this through a component.ts fil with this code

findApproverMail() {

    this.rootService.getApproverMail(this.aproverName).subscribe((res) => { = res;
      console.log('Test: ' + res);


And the browser console prints the JSON I have show you. But how can I access only to the mail's value? P.D I need only the mail because after I got it the web site needs to send an email to that direction


  • JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. Any valid JSON is an object in JavaScript (and TypeScript). You can use dot notation to navigate into the object:

    findApproverMail() {
        this.rootService.getApproverMail(this.aproverName).subscribe((res) => {
          console.log('Test: ' + res);

    I would recommend defining an interface in the shape of what you expect from the service. It's cleaner than just indexing around an any typed object.

    Also note that I hard code 0 indexes because that answers your question. You might consider a more dynamic / flexible way to get the address or elements you need.