I am returning data from my query. Looping through the results and pushing the data in different arrays. When I try to then loop over the array I am only getting the first set of data and nothing else.
my @data = ();
for my $row (@$query_data) {
if($row->[11] == 2)
On the perl script the following works and I am getting expected output.
for my $row (@xm_data) {
print "$row->[6]\n";
When I do the samething more or less in mojolicious I am getting different results. I am passing to the render looks xm_data => @xm_data
and only getting the first results.
The template loops is below.
% for my $request_data (@{$xm_data}) {
<%= $request_data %>
% }
if i try the same syntax I do in the .pl
file I get errors.
I don't know anything about mojolicious, but I do know some perl.
Your xm_data => @xm_data
looks suspicious to me. If you assign an array to a scalar in perl, it only takes the first element of that array. To assign a pointer to the array, which it looks like you're trying to do, you need to use a backslash.
Eg. xm_data => \@xm_data
That will give you a reference to the array, which then you can dereference later in your foreach
loop, like it seems you are doing already.
Does that help?