Suppose that I have two models and corresponding tables in the Realm Database
public class Customer :Object {
dynamic var Id : String = ""
dynamic var NAME : String = ""
dynamic var Address : String = ""
override public class func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "Id"
public class Bills :Object {
dynamic var Id : String = ""
dynamic var Amount : String = ""
dynamic var CustomerId : String = ""
override public class func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "Id"
What I am doing: I am getting list of All customers easily by doing this
What I want: I want to do followings.
I want to get all the list of Customers but I also want that the list contain such customer on top who purchases items more often. I mean I want the list ordering on the basis of customers that purchases more time from our shop. For this I can get it from the customer Id in Bills tables. But I do not know how to do it in Realm.
I know it can be done through subquery but I am not getting how to do it in Realm. Please tell me what will be query/Predicate here to get the desired results.
I have two answers but there are a couple of things to address first.
For both of your classes, if you want them to be managed by Realm you need to include @objc before each var you want managed
public class Customer :Object {
@objc dynamic var Id : String = ""
or optionally add @objcMembers to the class name
@objcMembers class Customer :Object {
dynamic var Id : String = ""
The other thing is that class properties (vars) should always be lower case, class names should start with upper case. Nothing should be all CAPS.
public class Customer :Object {
@objc dynamic var customer_id : String = ""
@objc dynamic var name : String = ""
First solution is using your current structure:
var topCustomers = [(String, Int)]() //stores the customer id and count in an array of tuples
let results = realm.objects(Bills.self) //get all the bills
let allCustomerIds ={ $0.CustomerId } //get a list of all of the customer id's
let uniqueIds = Set(allCustomerIds) //create a set of unique customer ids
for custId in uniqueIds { //iterate over the array of unique customer id's
let count = results.filter("CustomerId == %@", custId).count // get a count of each customer id from results
topCustomers.append( (custId, count) ) //add the customer id and it's count to the array
topCustomers.sort { $0.1 > $1.1 } //sort the array by count
for x in topCustomers { //print out the array - the customer with the most bills will be at the top
print(x.0, x.1)
a second, more elegant approach uses a relationship between customers and their bills. This will provide a LOT more flexibility for generating reports, queries and overall organization.
Here's the updated classes:
class CustomerClass: Object {
@objc dynamic var customer_id = UUID().uuidString
@objc dynamic var name = ""
@objc dynamic var address = ""
let billList = List<BillClass>()
override public class func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "customer_id"
class BillClass: Object {
@objc dynamic var bill_id = UUID().uuidString
@objc dynamic var amount = ""
override public class func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "bill_id"
and then some very short code to accomplish the same thing as in the first example
let customers = realm.objects(CustomerClass.self) //get all customers
let results = { ($, $0.billList.count) } //iterate over all, creating tuple with customer name & bill count
let sortedResults = results.sorted(by: { $0.1 > $1.1} ) //sort by bill count, descending
sortedResults.forEach { print($0) } //print the results, customer will most bills at top
Notes the use of UUID().uuidString
@objc dynamic var bill_id = UUID().uuidString
creates unique primary keys for your objects. Eliminates dealing with indexing, uniqueness, incrementing etc.