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Best order for KeyboardAvoidingView, SafeAreaView and ScrollView

I use react native to create a mobile app. I handle keyboard position in my screens by using KeyboardAvoidingView, SafeAreaView and ScrollView. I use this order to manage Keyboard position :

<KeyboardAvoidingView style={{ flex: 1 }} behavior="padding" enabled>
                icon: "cancel",
                color: "#fff",
                size: 30,
                onPress: () => navigate("Dashboard")
              centerComponent={{ text: "Ajouter une demande", style: { color: "#fff", fontSize: 18 } }}
                icon: "help",
                color: "#fff",
                size: 30,
                fontWeight: "bold",
                onPress: () => Alert.alert("En cours de développement")
              backgroundColor="rgba(82, 159, 197, 1)"
              // outerContainerStyles={{ height: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 70 : 70 - 24 }}
                  // marginTop: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 0 : 15
              <Input placeholder="INPUT WITH CUSTOM ICON" leftIcon={<Icon name="user" size={24} color="black" />} />

My question is : what's the best order to use those 3 components to avoid a best keyboard position


  • SafeAreaView only works with iOS. Therefore, it is assumed that you use the iOS. If your project is iOS, you can use KeyboardAwareScrollView.

    SafeAreaView should be at the top because it covers the area of the screen.

    KeyboardAwareScrollView Example



    import { KeyboardAwareScrollView } from 'react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view'
        <TextInput />