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Access underlying UITableView from SwiftUI List

Using a List view, is there a way to access (and therefore modify) the underlying UITableView object without reimplementing the entire List as a UIViewRepresentable?

I've tried initializing a List within my own UIViewRepresentable, but I can't seem to get SwiftUI to initialize the view when I need it to, and I just get an empty basic UIView with no subviews.

This question is to help find an answer for Bottom-first scrolling in SwiftUI.

Alternatively, a library or other project that reimplements UITableView in SwiftUI would also answer this question.


  • The answer is no. As of iOS 13, SwiftUI's List is not currently designed to replace all the functionality and customizability of UITableView. It is designed to meet the most basic use of a UITableView: a standard looking, scrollable, editable list where you can place a relatively simply view in each cell.

    In other words, you are giving up customizability for the simplicity of having swipes, navigation, moves, deletes, etc. automatically implemented for you.

    I'm sure that as SwiftUI evolves, List (or an equivalent view) will get more customizable, and we'll be able to do things like scroll from the bottom, change padding, etc. The best way to make sure this happens is to file feedback suggestions with Apple. I'm sure the SwiftUI engineers are already hard at work designing the features that will appear at WWDC 2020. The more input they have to guide what the community wants and needs, the better.