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How to pass arguments to keywords from testcase using robotframework?

i want to pass the arguments from testcase to keyword.

what i am trying to do? i have the testcase with arguments like below

*** Test Cases ***
Test something happens
    ${val2} =  somevalue1
    ${val2} =  somevalue2
    ${name} =  somename
    Draw something  ${name}  ${val1}  ${val2}

Draw something 
    Input Text    ${name_input}    ${name}
    Input Text    ${name_input}    ${val1} 
    Input Text    ${name_input}    ${val2}

How can i pass the arguments from testcase to keyword Draw something i was trying to pass it directly to keyword like below

*********keywords******* Draw something ${name} ${val1} ${val2}

but gives error keyword expected 0 arguments but got 3

could someone help me with this. thanks.


  • Here is the documentation on how to use arguments with Robot Framework keywords:

    And here is an example printing out a full name based on arguments first and last:

    *** Keywords ***
    Print Name
        [Arguments]       ${FIRST}  ${LAST}
        Log To Console  ${FIRST} ${LAST}
    *** Test Cases ***
    Test printing a name
        Print Name  John  Doe

    As you can see, you need to add the [Arguments] section under your keyword:

    *** Keywords ***
    Draw something
        [Arguments]   ${name}  ${val1}  ${val2}
        Input Text    ${name_input}    ${name}
        Input Text    ${name_input}    ${val1} 
        Input Text    ${name_input}    ${val2}