I am implementing SIP Video Call using Pjsip library.
My view is successfully transmitted to other person but what I want is to display my camera view in my screen(Something like WhatsApp).
I found that Pjsip is using camera to transmit view. How can I display my Camera View in a SurfaceView using Pjsip library(as I can not use multiple instances of Camera)?
I have already tried this using the following code:
fun updateVideoPreview(holder: SurfaceHolder) {
if (SipManager.getInstance()?.activeCalls?.get(callId) != null &&
SipManager.getInstance()?.activeCalls?.get(callId)?.mVideoWindow != null &&
SipManager.getInstance()?.activeCalls?.get(callId)?.mVideoPreview != null) {
if (videoPreviewActive) {
val vidWH = VideoWindowHandle()
val vidPrevParam = VideoPreviewOpParam()
vidPrevParam.window = vidWH
vidPrevParam.show = true
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
} else {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
When I executed this code what I found is the preview that is transmitted to other side(mirror effect) but what I want is my own view.
Can anyone help me with this?
I did this: - Replaced SurfaceView with TextureView and
if (isFrontCamera) {
val matrix = Matrix()
matrix.setScale(-1.0f, 1.0f)
matrix.postTranslate(width.toFloat(), 0.0f)
It worked for me. Hope it help others.