I am trying to transfer part of funds stored in a smart contract to an account other than the one calling the function (msg.sender). My function is pretty much like this:
function getFunds(address addr, uint amount) public {
require (address.this(balance)>= amount);
What I get when I compile in Truffle is:
Member "transfer" not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in address.
As if it is looking for members in a struct.
Thanks for any help.
Since solidity 0.5 addresses should be payable
in order to transfer eth to them
function getFunds(address payable addr, uint amount) public {
require (address.this(balance)>= amount);
For mapping of a struct you can use like this
contract testContract {
mapping(uint256 => test) testAddressMapping;
struct test {
address payable testAddress;
function testFunction() external{