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Access nested javascript object child properties with iterations

I have an object from which I want to access the child's of the properties

var obj={
      "Total Cost of Ownership": {
        "Operational Cost": {
          "Asset Cost": {
            "Maintenance": {
              "Scheduled": {
                "Predictive": [
                "Periodic": [
              "Unscheduled": [
              "Other Maintenance": [
            "Compliance": [
          "Under Utilization Cost": [
            "Asset Unassigned",
            "Empty Miles",
            "Idling Time",
            "Crew Unassigned Time"
          "Route Cost": {
            "Fuel": [
              "Defined Route",
              "Excess Miles",
              "Unattributable Miles"
            "Charging": {
            "Wait Time": {
            "Toll": {
          "Crew Cost": [
            "Driving Violations",
            "Slary & Insurance",
          "Unsafe Operations Cost": [
            "Unsalvageable Vehicles"
var str1 = "Total Cost of Ownership";
var str2 = "Total Cost of Ownership*Operational Cost*Asset Cost"

function getChildOf(x){
    		var temp = "obj"
    			temp = temp+"['"+e+"']"
    		var final = temp;
    	}else if(x=="Total Cost of Ownership"){
    		console.log(Object.keys(obj["Total Cost of Ownership"]));

I have strings according to which I want to return the object child's

var str1 = "Total Cost of Ownership";
var str2 = "Total Cost of Ownership*Operational Cost*Asset Cost"

I wrote a function for it

Now I wish the function should return the childs of the obj according to the function input, but I am not able to access it. Request optimum solution?


  • Use this one

    function getChildOf(x){
    	var keys = x.split("*")
    	let tempObj = obj;
    	for (const key of keys) {
    		    tempObj = tempObj[key]
        return tempObj;
    // Test with your data
    var obj={
      "Total Cost of Ownership": {
        "Operational Cost": {
          "Asset Cost": {
            "Maintenance": {
              "Scheduled": {
                "Predictive": [
                "Periodic": [
              "Unscheduled": [
              "Other Maintenance": [
            "Compliance": [
          "Under Utilization Cost": [
            "Asset Unassigned",
            "Empty Miles",
            "Idling Time",
            "Crew Unassigned Time"
          "Route Cost": {
            "Fuel": [
              "Defined Route",
              "Excess Miles",
              "Unattributable Miles"
            "Charging": {
            "Wait Time": {
            "Toll": {
          "Crew Cost": [
            "Driving Violations",
            "Slary & Insurance",
          "Unsafe Operations Cost": [
            "Unsalvageable Vehicles"
    var str1 = "Total Cost of Ownership";
    var str2 = "Total Cost of Ownership*Operational Cost*Asset Cost";