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OpenCv: Translate Image, Wrap Pixels Around Edges (C++)

I am trying to translate an image horizontally by x pixels and vertically by y pixels, so . However, I want the pixels to wrap around the edges. Basically...

we start with image one...

shift by x pixels...

and shift by y pixels...

As far as I know, OpenCv's warpAffine() is not capable of doing this. Normally, I would just loop through the image and shift the pixels a certain amount, but in doing this I can only shift them horizontally. What is the most efficient way to go about this?


  • From my point of view, the most "efficient" way would be to set up the four corresponding ROIs by using cv::Rect, and manually copying the contents using cv::copyTo. Maybe, there's also a possibility without copying the actual content, just pointing to the data in the input cv::Mat - but unfortunately, at least I couldn't found one.

    Nevertheless, here's my code:

    // Shift input image by sx pixels to the left, and sy pixels to the top.
    cv::Mat transWrap(cv::Mat& input, const int sx, const int sy)
        // Get image dimensions.
        const int w = input.size().width;
        const int h = input.size().height;
        // Initialize output with same dimensions and type.
        cv::Mat output = cv::Mat(h, w, input.type());
        // Copy proper contents manually.
        input(cv::Rect(sx, sy, w - sx, h - sy)).copyTo(output(cv::Rect(0, 0, w - sx, h - sy)));
        input(cv::Rect(0, sy, sx, h - sy)).copyTo(output(cv::Rect(w - sx, 0, sx, h - sy)));
        input(cv::Rect(sx, 0, w - sx, sy)).copyTo(output(cv::Rect(0, h - sy, w - sx, sy)));
        input(cv::Rect(0, 0, sx, sy)).copyTo(output(cv::Rect(w - sx, h - sy, sx, sy)));
        return output;
    int main()
        cv::Mat input = cv::imread("images/tcLUa.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
        cv::resize(input, input, cv::Size(), 0.25, 0.25);
        cv::Mat output = transWrap(input, 300, 150);
        return 0;

    Of course, the code seems repetitive, but wrapped into an own function, it won't bother you in your main code. ;-)

    The output should be, what you want to achieve:


    Hope that helps!