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Whats the correct key/value Syntax to convert this Array with Symfony/XmlEncoder?

I'm building my request data as an array structure and want to use the symfony XmlEncoder to encode my Array to XML.

I guess I got the fundamental part right, it looks like that for example:

$request_object = [
  "acc-id" => $all_credentials,
  "req-id" => $request_guid,
  "tran-type" => "spec-url"

The syntax I'm looking for encodes in the following format, with attribute and value:

<amount currency="EUR">1.99</amount>

I have the possibility to use the @ sign on an array key, but how do I also fit in the value?

$request_object = [
  "acc-id" => $all_credentials,
  "req-id" => $request_guid,
  "tran-type" => "spec-url"
  "am" => ["@attr"=>"attrval"] 

This should be:

<am attr="attrval"/>

But how to write it so that I can also set the value? like:

<am attr="attrval">VALUE</am>


  • Use '#' as the index for the scalar value.
    I found it by looking through the tests for the encoder.

    #line: 196
    public function testEncodeScalarRootAttributes()
        $array = [
            '#' => 'Paul',
            '@eye-color' => 'brown',
        $expected = '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\n".
            '<response eye-color="brown">Paul</response>'."\n";
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->encoder->encode($array, 'xml'));
    #line: 234
    public function testEncodeScalarWithAttribute()
        $array = [
            'person' => ['@eye-color' => 'brown', '#' => 'Peter'],
        $expected = '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\n".
            '<response><person eye-color="brown">Peter</person></response>'."\n";
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->encoder->encode($array, 'xml'));