I have an infrastructure pipeline in Azure DevOps that setup a service fabric cluster. The fabric cluster's key vault and certificate are generated by a custom PowerShell script I wrote, while the cluster and its resources are generated by an ARM template. They are executed as tasks in the pipeline.
However, I am having problems accessing the generated fabric cluster via Service Fabric Explorer using web address: https://myclustername.mylocation.cloudapp.azure.com:19080/Explorer
I also have problem accessing the nodes using RDP:
I tried the following:
Restarted virtual machine scale set. Checked the ports are open on load balancer: 3389-3391 I don't get this problem if I setup the fabric resource group with visual studio.
I checked the certificate generated and made sure it has a subject that is the same as the fabric cluster url. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
I think I used the ARM template that came with visual studio 2017. The template is old (2016). I updated the template to the recent one and the issue is resolved:
I still have some problem for adding a custom internal load balancer, but all the other resources out of the ARM template are working.