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Vuetables2 How to add dynamic style to specific data in vue-client-table

I am working on vue js and vue client table. I have created a vue-client-table and populated some dummy data as static.

Now there is a column name STATUS which will have two value i.e Active or Inactive.

I want to change the font color of 'Inactive' to red. (Which denotes that link is down)

I need help to understand it.

Below I have attached my code:

tableData: [
             "APPLICATION NAME": "Pannier",
                    "URL": "",
                    "LAST ACCESSED": "5:07 PM",
                    "STATUS": 'Inactive'
                    "APPLICATION NAME": "Kanlam",
                    "URL": "",
                    "LAST ACCESSED": "7:02 AM",
                    "STATUS": 'active'

Below I have attached my image:

Output of my vue table


  • One simple way is to use Scoped slots, in order to add css class and the href attribute. Take a look at the official docs.
    Here is an example.

    new Vue({
      el: "#app",
      data: {
        columns: ['APPLICATION NAME', 'URL', 'STATUS'],
        tableData: [
            "APPLICATION NAME": "Pannier",
            "URL": "",
            "LAST ACCESSED": "5:07 PM",
            "STATUS": 'Inactive'
            "APPLICATION NAME": "Kanlam",
            "URL": "",
            "LAST ACCESSED": "7:02 AM",
            "STATUS": 'active'
    .Inactive {
      color: red
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <h3>Vue Tables 2</h3>
    <div id="app">
      <v-client-table :columns="columns" :data="tableData">
          <a :class="props.row.STATUS" :href="props.row.URL" slot="STATUS" slot-scope="props">{{props.row.STATUS}}</a>

    You need to create a css class with name "Inactive", exactly the same with the "STATUS" value.