The code's pretty simple and maybe I'm missing something obvious that's causing the segmentation fault. At a glance, the doubly XOR linked lists implementation code (intends to) create three nodes, and traverse them in a left to right fashion.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef struct node { int data = 0; struct node* npx = NULL; }n;
n *zor(n *a, n *b) {
return (n*)((uintptr_t) a ^ (uintptr_t) b);
int main() {
n *head, *a, *b;
head = new n;
a = new n;
b = new n;
head->npx = zor(NULL, a);
a->npx = zor(head, b);
b->npx = zor(a, NULL);
n* ptr = head;
while (ptr != NULL) {
cout << ptr->data;
ptr = zor(ptr, ptr->npx);
I expect the output to be "000" after traversing all the nodes in the list.
The links were built correctly combining the previous pointer with the next pointer.
link = previous ^ next
Unfortunately when the next pointer is recovered later
ptr = zor(ptr, ptr->npx);
tries to reconstruct next with
next = current ^ link
instead of
next = previous ^ link
resulting in a corrupted next. This means you need a bit more book keeping to keep track of that previous node.
n* current = head; // changed name to make code match description
n* previous = NULL; // no previous at the head
while (current != NULL) {
cout << current->data;
n* next = zor(previous, current->npx); // need a temp so we can update previous
previous = current; // current becomes the next's previous
current = next; // advance current to next