I have 2 text columns in a table. The requirement is to compare these 2 columns and check whether any text is matching and replace it with the text from the first column. We have to watch for the case.
CREATE TABLE search_text(
id NUMBER(20,0),
text1 varchar2(1000),
text2 varchar2(1000));
'Inband signaling used in transmission that reduces the available user bandwidth from 1.544 to 1.536 Mbps.',
'USER Bandwidth >inband Signaling< (TRansmission>'
The expected outcome for text2 column after replace is
"user bandwidth >Inband signaling< (transmission>"
Using only SQL. Hierarchical query splits the string into multiple rows, and replaces word by word. Then an aggregate function gets the last row, that contains the accumulated replaces for all words:
with t (id, word, text1, text2, replaced_text2, lvl) as
select id,
regexp_substr(text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, 1, 'i'),
'([^[:alpha:]]+|^)' || regexp_substr(text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, 1, 'i') || '([^[:alpha:]]+|$)',
'\1' || regexp_substr(text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, 1, 'i') || '\2',
1, 1, 'i'),
1 lvl
from search_text
union all
select s.id,
regexp_substr(s.text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, t.lvl + 1, 'i'),
'([^[:alpha:]]+|^)' || regexp_substr(s.text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, t.lvl + 1, 'i') || '([^[:alpha:]]+|$)',
'\1' || regexp_substr(s.text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, t.lvl + 1, 'i') || '\2',
1, 0, 'i'),
t.lvl + 1
from search_text s, t
where t.id = s.id
and regexp_count(s.text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+') >= t.lvl + 1
select t.id,
max(t.replaced_text2) keep (dense_rank first order by t.lvl desc) replaced_text2
from t
group by t.id, t.text1, t.text2
order by id;
Sample execution:
FSITJA@db01> with t (id, word, text1, text2, replaced_text2, lvl) as
2 (
3 select id,
4 regexp_substr(text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, 1, 'i'),
5 text1,
6 text2,
7 regexp_replace(text2,
8 '([^[:alpha:]]+|^)' || regexp_substr(text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, 1, 'i') || '([^[:alpha:]]+|$)',
9 '\1' || regexp_substr(text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, 1, 'i') || '\2',
10 1, 1, 'i'),
11 1 lvl
12 from search_text
13 union all
14 select s.id,
15 regexp_substr(s.text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, t.lvl + 1, 'i'),
16 s.text1,
17 s.text2,
18 regexp_replace(t.replaced_text2,
19 '([^[:alpha:]]+|^)' || regexp_substr(s.text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, t.lvl + 1, 'i') || '([^[:alpha:]]+|$)',
20 '\1' || regexp_substr(s.text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+', 1, t.lvl + 1, 'i') || '\2',
21 1, 0, 'i'),
22 t.lvl + 1
23 from search_text s, t
24 where t.id = s.id
25 and regexp_count(s.text1, '[[:alpha:]\'']+') >= t.lvl + 1
26 )
27 select t.id,
28 t.text1,
29 t.text2,
30 max(t.replaced_text2) keep (dense_rank first order by t.lvl desc) replaced_text2
31 from t
32 group by t.id, t.text1, t.text2
33 order by id;
---- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
100 Inband signaling used in transmission th USER Bandwidth >inband Signaling< (TRans user bandwidth >Inband signaling< (trans
at reduces the available user bandwidth mission> mission>
from 1.544 to 1.536 Mbps.