I am working from a DataFrame called plot_df
that looks like this:
Country Visual Format $
0 France DEFAULT 4.378900e+03
1 France DIGITAL3D 1.170000e+02
2 France IMAX3D 0.000000e+00
3 Hong Kong DIGITAL 1.061189e+07
4 Hong Kong DIGITAL3D 1.881850e+05
5 India DBOX 1.137234e+06
6 India DIGIMAX 2.653723e+06
7 India DIGITAL 3.283665e+07
8 Japan DEFAULT 5.819080e+07
9 Japan DIGIMAX 8.193800e+06
10 Kuwait DEFAULT 6.130250e+04
11 Kuwait DIGITAL3D 1.099000e+03
12 Kuwait IMAX3D 1.057550e+04
13 Kuwait MXP3D 8.736000e+03
14 Malaysia DIGIMAX 2.941200e+04
15 Malaysia DIGITAL 2.590491e+06
16 Malaysia MXP2D 9.478000e+03
17 Mexico 4D3D 3.806130e+06
18 Mexico DIGIMAX3D 0.000000e+00
19 Mexico DIGITAL 3.631979e+07
20 Mexico DIGITAL3D 7.510887e+06
21 Netherlands, The 4D3D 4.435451e+04
22 Netherlands, The DIGIMAX3D 7.488704e+04
23 Netherlands, The DIGITAL 3.350028e+04
24 Netherlands, The DIGITAL3D 2.521642e+05
25 Netherlands, The MXP3D 3.298899e+04
26 Peru DIGITAL 1.707998e+06
27 Peru DIGITAL3D 1.030680e+05
28 Peru MXP2D 3.961500e+04
29 Peru MXP3D 4.077950e+04
30 Peru PLF 1.310630e+05
31 Spain DIGIMAX3D 7.717070e+03
32 Spain DIGITAL 5.198949e+05
33 Spain DIGITAL3D 2.494451e+04
34 Spain MXP3D 1.025880e+04
35 Thailand DIGITAL 3.217920e+05
36 Turkey 4D3D 5.433525e+04
37 Turkey DIGITAL 2.693310e+05
38 Turkey DIGITAL3D 6.161560e+05
39 Turkey MXP3D 4.168149e+04
40 UK & Ireland DEFAULT 1.170058e+06
41 UK & Ireland DIGITAL3D 1.755717e+05
42 UK & Ireland IMAX3D 1.065599e+05
43 United Arab Emirates DEFAULT 4.317666e+06
44 United Arab Emirates DIGITAL3D 2.808751e+04
45 United Arab Emirates IMAX3D 6.832500e+04
I am trying to create _ number of pie chart subplots. This is my code so far:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=int(np.ceil(plot_df.index.get_level_values(0).nunique()/3)),
axes_list = [item for sublist in axes for item in sublist]
for country in plot_df.index.get_level_values(0).unique():
ax = axes_list.pop(0)
plot_df.loc[(country, slice(None))].plot(kind='pie',
ax.set_title(country, fontweight='bold')
for ax in axes_list:
My end result will look something like this:
My question has to do with the colors assigned to each visual format. Every country has a different set of formats and this leads to inconsistent assignment of colors to labels. (For example, DIGITAL is BLUE in Hong Kong but is GREEN in India).
Is there a way to create a dictionary, with visual formats as keys and colors as values, and assign this dictionary to the pandas plot color parameter? Thanks.
You can use the colors
parameter for pie charts. Since this takes an array, you'll have to create an array that corresponds to your input data for each plot.
cdict = {'DIGITAL': 'r', 'DIGIMAX3D': 'y', 'DIGITAL3D': 'b', ...}
for country in plot_df.index.get_level_values(0).unique():
ax = axes_list.pop(0)
df = plot_df.loc[(country, slice(None))]
colors = [cdict[x] for x in df.index] % colors based on index of input data
df.plot(kind='pie', colors=colors, subplots=True, legend=False, autopct='%1.1f%%', ax=ax)