I would like to split a string but only use the separator if it's not surrounded by given sets of characters
current :
strsplit("1 ? 2 ? (3 ? 4) ? {5 ? (6 ? 7)}","\\?")
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "1 " " 2 " " (3 " " 4) " " {5 " " (6 " " 7)}"
expected :
strsplit2 <- function(x, split, fixed = FALSE, perl = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE,
escape = c("()","{}","[]","''",'""',"%%")){
# ...
strsplit2("1 ? 2 ? (3 ? 4) ? {5 ? (6 ? 7)}","\\?")
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "1 " " 2 " " (3 ? 4) " " {5 ? (6 ? 7)}"
I solved this with some complex parsing but I worry about the performance and wonder if regex can be faster.
My current solution (not really that relevant to the question) is :
parse_qm_args <- function(x){
x <- str2lang(x)
# if single symbol
if(is.symbol(x)) return(x)
i <- numeric(0)
out <- character(0)
while(identical(x[[c(i,1)]], quote(`?`)) &&
(!length(i) || length(x[[i]]) == 3)){
out <- c(x[[c(i,3)]],out)
i <- c(2, i)
# if no `?` was found
if(!length(out)) return(x)
if(length(x[[i]]) == 2) {
# if we have a unary `?` fetch its arg
out <- c(x[[c(i,2)]],out)
} else {
# if we have a binary `?` fetch the its first arg
out <- c(x[[c(i)]], out)
The best idea will be to use recursion. In that case, you will capture all the grouped elements together then split on the ungrouped deliminator :
pattern = "([({'](?:[^(){}']*|(?1))*[')}])(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|\\?"
x1 <- "1 ? 2 ? (3 ? 4) ? {5 ? (6 ? 7)}"
x2 <- "1 ? 2 ? '3 ? 4' ? {5 ? (6 ? 7)}"
x3 <- "1 ? 2 ? '3 {(? 4' ? {5 ? (6 ? 7)}"
x4 <- "1 ? 2 ? '(3 ? 4) ? {5 ? (6 ? 7)}'"
strsplit(c(x1,x2,x3, x4),pattern,perl=TRUE)
[1] "1 " " 2 " " (3 ? 4) " " {5 ? (6 ? 7)}"
[1] "1 " " 2 " " '3 ? 4' " " {5 ? (6 ? 7)}"
[1] "1 " " 2 " " '3 {(? 4' " " {5 ? (6 ? 7)}"
[1] "1 " " 2 " " '(3 ? 4) ? {5 ? (6 ? 7)}'"