We had a bit of a heated debate at work this week regarding the proper use of HTTP error code 404. I feel that it is being used inappropriately in this situation, and they insist that "this is how it is everywhere".
Here's the scenario:
We have a REST API endpoint with a static URI like "https://server.domain.com/restapi/getnode" that accepts a json body during a POST operation to see if a server exists within the database. There is 1 server allowed per query.
The way it is designed, if the server exists, it returns http code 200 with the body of the message being the details of the server within the database. If it doesn't exist, then they return a 404 code with the message "server x is not found in database y".
I feel that this is incorrect because according to the standards from W3C 4xx codes are for client-related issues, and 404 is specifically if the server can not server up that specific URI. Further, this is not really an error, we would not only expect the occasional negative/empty response as part of the normal business, but that is expected to be the state on the majority of the calls.
Their response to this is that according to sources such as AWS REST Standards and ServiceNow REST Standards that 404 is appropriate because the query didn't find the server, therefore it couldn't find the resource (To which I feel that they are misinterpreting the term "resource").
So, who is correct here? Or is this more of a gray area than I think it is?
The relevant part of the specification here is Client Error 4xx.
Except when responding to a HEAD request, the server SHOULD send a representation containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition.
User agents SHOULD display any included representation to the user.
In other words, the status code is meta data that indicates to general-purpose components that the payload of the response is an explanation of the error, and not a representation of the resource.
If what you are actually doing is returning a representation of the resource which is at this moment an empty list, then you should be using a Successful code, not a Client Error code.
For example, if we have a resource that lists women who have been sworn into the office of President of the United States, the expression of that resource, as of 2019-09-25, would be an empty list. So a standard HTTP response would look like
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
On the other hand, this response says something completely different
404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json
What this says is that there was no current representation of the requested resource, and the representation of the explanation of the problem is an empty list, so please show an empty list to the user so that they know what to do.