I am trying to use dplyr in RStudio to manipulate tables in MS SQL Server database. I successfully connected to the database using DBI, ODBC.
con <- dbConnect(odbc(),
Driver = "SQL Server",
Server = "myserver",
database = "ABC",
UID = "sqladmin",
PWD = "pwd",
port = '14333')
data <- tbl(con, "abc")
abc is a table within database ABC. The connection is successful (I am able look at the tables and fields) but dplyr::tbl is returning a list of 2 instead of returning the table abc. So data is a list instead of table. Where am I going wrong in this code?
The schema is ABC --> dbo --> abc
The code works as expected. What you’re seeing is simply a limitation of the type display in the RStudio data inspector: the actual type returned by tbl
is an object of S3 class tbl_SQLiteConnection
but it is implemented as a nested list
(similar to how data.frame
s are implemented as lists of columns).
You will be able to work with your data
as expected. You can also invoke as_tibble(data)
to get a proper tibble back … but you don’t need to do that to work with it!