I have data.frame as follows
start end Type1 Type2 Type3
0 100 530 100 10
0 100 630 70 50
0 100 500 50 40
0 100 400 120 22
0 100 350 130 13
0 100 600 50 45
0 100 1032 75 15
0 100 378 86 36
0 100 430 90 19
0 100 567 95 20
All I want is to plot the above data frame with x-axis denoting the start and end and Y-axis denoting the Type1, Type2 and Type3. I tried the following code but it throwed me error
ggplot(test,aes(x=c(start,end)),y=c(Type1,Type2,Type3)) +geom_density()
Kindly guide me. Thanks in advance.
First, cast your data to long format (works better for ggplot), then plot
I also created some x-values...
plotdata <- setDT(test)[, x := seq(0,100,length.out = 10)]
plotdata <- melt( setDT(test), id.vars = c("x"), measure.vars = patterns("^Typ"), value.factor = FALSE )
ggplot( data = plotdata,
aes( x = value,
color = variable,
fill = variable)
) +