How to get the result table of stored procedure into a temp table?
The table and the result have the same table configuration (firstColumn int, secondColumn nvarchar(255)
I'm assuming your stored procedure returns an open cursor, so you want to consume that cursor, inserting its contents into a session table (declared global temporary table) on Db2-LUW.
In addition to fetch and insert statements, you need to understand the following statements:
associate result set locator ... with procedure ...
allocate ... cursor for result set ...
Here is a deliberately artificial example of a nested stored procedure, which shows fetching a result-set from a nested procedure into a session table. The purpose is to show how the syntax works, rather than to do anything useful with data (as the net effect can be equally met by a simple catalog query in this case). This example can be run at the Db2 command-line (for example at the bash shell, after you connected to a database with appropriate permissions):
update command options using s on ;
create or replace procedure alltabs
dynamic result sets 1
language sql
specific alltabs
declare v_cur cursor with return to caller for select tabschema,tabname,type from syscat.tables ;
open v_cur;
declare global temporary table session.thetables(tabschema varchar(128), tabname varchar(128))
not logged with replace on commit preserve rows @
create or replace procedure populate_dgtt()
language sql
specific populate_dgtt
declare v_rs result_set_locator varying;
declare v_tabschema varchar(128);
declare v_tabname varchar(128);
declare v_type char(1);
declare sqlstate char(5) default '00000';
call alltabs;
associate result set locator (v_rs) with procedure alltabs;
allocate v_rscur cursor for result set v_rs;
fetch from v_rscur into v_tabschema, v_tabname, v_type;
while ( sqlstate = '00000') do
if v_type='V' and v_tabschema='SYSSTAT'
insert into session.thetables(tabschema,tabname) values (v_tabschema, v_tabname);
end if;
fetch from v_rscur into v_tabschema, v_tabname, v_type;
end while;
call populate_dgtt()@
select rtrim(Tabschema)||'.'||rtrim(tabname) from session.thetables @