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Implementing an RSS feed using refinery CMS / RoR

I am fairly new to both RoR and refinery CMS (although, very seasoned C#/ developer) - I followed the tutorial on their website;

and have taken it to the point where I'm pretty sure this is the CMS I'm going to use... but I'm struggling a bit with the implementation of an RSS feed (basically because it's taken over the controller).

I'm not looking for the whole answer/code (I kinda like figuring out the details myself) but could someone give me a nudge in the right direction? How, for example, would I make Rick Astley's "events" in the tutorial appear on an RSS feed?

I was trying to achieve this by overriding the events controller, to get something like this occuring;


but it keeps thinking that I'm trying to find an event with the ID of "rss" and falling over. I know I'm barking up completely the wrong tree here!


  • First thing's first, you will want to update your routes.rb to

    get 'events/rss' => 'events#index', :format => :rss

    But, also, the refinerycms-calendar has RSS:

    http://localhost:3000/events.rss should work by default for this engine