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Conditionally interpolate values for one data frame based on another lookup table per group?

This is similar to the following question. However, I need to do a few more steps:

• Group by columns ID and order

• For every val in df_dat, look up the corresponding ratio in the df_lookup table with the following conditions:

o   If val < min(df_lookup$val), set new_ratio = min(df_lookup$ratio)

o   If val > max(df_lookup$val), set new_ratio = max(df_lookup$ratio)

o   If val falls within df_lookup$val range, do a simple linear interpolation

My data:


df_lookup <- tribble(
  ~ID, ~order, ~pct, ~val, ~ratio,
  "batch1", 1, 1,  1, 0.2,
  "batch1", 1, 10, 8, 0.5,
  "batch1", 1, 25, 25, 1.2,
  "batch2", 2, 1, 2, 0.1,
  "batch2", 2, 10, 15, 0.75,
  "batch2", 2, 25, 33, 1.5,
  "batch2", 2, 50, 55, 3.2,
#> # A tibble: 7 x 5
#>   ID     order   pct   val ratio
#>   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 batch1     1     1     1  0.2 
#> 2 batch1     1    10     8  0.5 
#> 3 batch1     1    25    25  1.2 
#> 4 batch2     2     1     2  0.1 
#> 5 batch2     2    10    15  0.75
#> 6 batch2     2    25    33  1.5 
#> 7 batch2     2    50    55  3.2

df_dat <- tribble(
  ~order, ~ID, ~val,
  1, "batch1", 0.1,
  1, "batch1", 30,
  1, "batch1", 2,
  1, "batch1", 12,
  2, "batch1", 45,
  2, "batch2", 1.5,
  2, "batch2", 30,
  2, "batch2", 13,
  2, "batch2", 60,
#> # A tibble: 9 x 3
#>   order ID       val
#>   <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>
#> 1     1 batch1   0.1
#> 2     1 batch1  30  
#> 3     1 batch1   2  
#> 4     1 batch1  12  
#> 5     2 batch1  45  
#> 6     2 batch2   1.5
#> 7     2 batch2  30  
#> 8     2 batch2  13  
#> 9     2 batch2  60

The previous solution did not respect the grouping which generated wrong results.


For order = 2 and ID = batch1, new_ratio should be NA as those conditions aren’t in the lookup table.

For order = 1, ID = batch2 and val = 30, new_ratio should not be higher than 1.2 (max ratio value).

For order = 1, ID = batch1 and val = 2, new_ratio = 0.243 which is the interpolated ratio value between 0.2 and 0.5.

Any help appreciated!

df_dat %>%
  group_by(ID, order) %>%
  mutate(new_ratio = with(df_lookup, approx(val, ratio, val))$y)
#> Error: Column `new_ratio` must be length 4 (the group size) or one, not 7

#wrong output
df_dat %>%
  group_by(ID, order) %>%
  mutate(val1 = val) %>%
  mutate(new_ratio = with(df_lookup, approx(val, ratio, val1))$y)
#> # A tibble: 9 x 5
#> # Groups:   ID, order [3]
#>   order ID       val  val1 new_ratio
#>   <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1     1 batch1   0.1   0.1    NA    
#> 2     1 batch1  30    30       1.39 
#> 3     1 batch1   2     2       0.1  
#> 4     1 batch1  12    12       0.643
#> 5     2 batch1  45    45       2.43 
#> 6     2 batch2   1.5   1.5     0.15 
#> 7     2 batch2  30    30       1.39 
#> 8     2 batch2  13    13       0.679
#> 9     2 batch2  60    60      NA

Expected output

# A tibble: 9 x 4
  order ID       val new_ratio
  <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>     <dbl>
1     1 batch1   0.1     0.2  
2     1 batch1  30       1.2  
3     1 batch1   2       0.243
4     1 batch1  12       0.643
5     2 batch1  45      NA    
6     2 batch2   1.5     0.1 
7     2 batch2  30       1.38 
8     2 batch2  13       0.65 
9     2 batch2  60       3.2  


  • here is my go at your problem, using data.table

    I used a lot of in-between steps, so you can check results and operationd each stap, and see what is going on/ So the code can be shortened quite a bit.

    #set data to data.tables
    setDT(df_dat); setDT(df_lookup)
    #set range df_lookup values by ID and order combination
    df_lookup[, `:=`( val2   = shift( val, type = "lead" ),
                      ratio2 = shift( ratio, type = "lead" ) ), 
              by = .( ID, order ) ][]
    #join non-equi
    df_dat[ df_lookup, 
            `:=`( val_start = i.val, 
                  val_end = i.val2, 
                  ratio_start = i.ratio, 
                  ratio_end = i.ratio2 ), 
            on = .( ID, order, val > val, val < val2) ][]
    #interpolatie new_ratio for values that fall within a range of dt_lookup
    df_dat[, new_ratio := ratio_start + ( (val - val_start) * (ratio_end - ratio_start) / (val_end - val_start) )][]
    #create data.table with ratio-value for minimum- and maximum value in df_lookup
    df_lookup_min_max <- df_lookup[, .( val_min = min( val ), val_max = max( val ),
                                        ratio_min = min( ratio ), ratio_max = max( ratio ) ), 
                                   by = .(ID, order) ]
    df_lookup_min_max_melt <- melt( df_lookup_min_max, 
                                    id.vars = c( "ID", "order" ),
                                    measure.vars = patterns( val = "^val", 
                                                             ratio = "^ratio" ) )
    df_dat[ new_ratio ), 
            new_ratio := df_lookup_min_max_melt[ df_dat[ new_ratio ), ],
                                                 on = .(ID, order, val ),
                                                 roll = "nearest" ] ][]
    df_dat[, `:=`(val_start = NULL, val_end = NULL, ratio_start = NULL, ratio_end = NULL)][]

    final output

    #    order     ID  val new_ratio
    # 1:     1 batch1  0.1 0.2000000
    # 2:     1 batch1 30.0 1.2000000
    # 3:     1 batch1  2.0 0.2428571
    # 4:     1 batch1 12.0 0.6647059
    # 5:     2 batch1 45.0        NA
    # 6:     2 batch2  1.5 0.1000000
    # 7:     2 batch2 30.0 1.3750000
    # 8:     2 batch2 13.0 0.6500000
    # 9:     2 batch2 60.0 3.2000000


    the line 5: 2 batch1 45.0 NA is here because there is no order == 2 & ID == batch1 combination in your df_lookup...
    perhaps this is a typo?
    Nevertheless: the code seems to hande it just fine ;-)