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Checking if a flush poker python

I am trying to append random values and hold it in another value from a dictionary. As for a flush you need to clarify suits, so I did so for the dictionary, then I wanted to add random values between 1-14 for a hand of five cards to see if it is all of the same suits. Then if so print its a flush then use count to print the probability of the number of hands it took to get a flush.

The issue I am having is appending the random dictionary values then checking if it is a flush, im not sure if the code I have will do so correctly because it was used for hardcoded values not a random generator now.

def flush():
    count = 0
    while (True):
        values = {"2":2, "3":3, "4":4, "5":5, "6":6, "7":7, "8":8, "9":9, "10":10, "J":11, "Q":12, "K":13, "A":14}
        for i in range (5):
            hand = values.append(random.choice([2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]))
        stop = False
        for value in values:
            suits = [h[1] for h in hand]
            if len(set(suits)) == 1:
              return True
              return False
        if stop:
    print(f'Count is {1/count}')


  • It seems you don't even have a "Suit" on your cards, so how will you detect a Flush?

    Here is an example for a nice "Deck Of Cards" and detecting a Flush. Combine that with the collections.Counter I suggested in your other question, and you will have most of the combinations.

    I'd suggest to read up on objects and classes (e.g.

    And I'll leave it to you to create a class Hand, which takes 5 cards in __init__ and has methods like is_flush()...

    from collections import namedtuple
    from random import shuffle
    Card = namedtuple("Card", "suit, rank")
    class Deck:
        suits = '♦♥♠♣'
        ranks = '23456789JQKA'
        def __init__(self):
   = [Card(suit, rank) for suit in self.suits for rank in self.ranks]
        def deal(self, amount):
            return tuple( for _ in range(amount))
    flush = False
    while not flush:
        deck = Deck()
        while len( > 5:
            hand =
            # (Card(suit='♣', rank='7'), Card(suit='♠', rank='2'), Card(suit='♥', rank='4'), Card(suit='♥', rank='K'), Card(suit='♣', rank='3'))
            if len(set(card.suit for card in hand)) > 1:
                print(f"No Flush: {hand}")
            print(f"Yay, it's a Flush: {hand}")
            flush = True
    # No Flush: (Card(suit='♠', rank='K'), Card(suit='♣', rank='6'), Card(suit='♦', rank='6'), Card(suit='♣', rank='4'), Card(suit='♠', rank='Q'))
    # No Flush: (Card(suit='♠', rank='J'), Card(suit='♥', rank='9'), Card(suit='♥', rank='3'), Card(suit='♣', rank='2'), Card(suit='♠', rank='6'))
    # No Flush: (Card(suit='♣', rank='7'), Card(suit='♥', rank='5'), Card(suit='♦', rank='5'), Card(suit='♦', rank='Q'), Card(suit='♦', rank='K'))
    # Yay, it's a Flush: (Card(suit='♣', rank='3'), Card(suit='♣', rank='A'), Card(suit='♣', rank='J'), Card(suit='♣', rank='9'), Card(suit='♣', rank='5'))