Hi I've been trying to figure this for the past couple of days. I wrote the code below that use to work but doesn't work any more using the ExecuteScript method. The only thing i have changed was update my chrome driver because it was not launching chrome since the driver wasn't working with the older chrome version I have. So once I updated the chrome driver it began to work until i had to run this piece of code. I modified it below not to what the actual link text is.
IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)WebActions.One;
js.ExecuteScript("alert('Welcome to Guru99');"); // This was added for testing purpose
IWebElement somelink = WebActions.One.FindElement(By.XPath("//span[text()='Some Text']"));
js.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", somelink );
When i changed the method to be ExecuteAsyncScript it started working again. Is this something that has changed with the app or is this something i'm doing wrong. I tried reading up on ExecuteAsyncScript vs ExecuteScript to see the difference but all i was able to get was something about the call back telling when its finished which i'm not experienced in java script.
I would just like to understand more then anything or should i just start using ExecuteAsyncScript method. Thanks
There's a chromedriver ticket about this issue here:
It states:
The cause of the issue is this website modifies the constructor of the built-in AsyncFunction object. This causes difficulty when ChromeDriver tries to create an AsyncFunction to wrap the script being executed.
chromedriver 78 fixes the issue. For testing with Chrome 77, the ticket recommends switching to executeAsyncScript, or using chromedriver 76 since "ChromeDriver vX will run with Chrome vX+1".