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How to get pyautogui's click working on mac?

pyautogui's click method's issue: I am running the script from Spyder, if I click anything on Spyder's window the click works fine.

If I execute a script to open Outlook, then click on anything, the click does not happen. Although I am able to use the "moveTo" functionality properly.

Things I have tried as suggested by doing google search:

OS : mac os high sierra

Note: In order to reach any located image I have to do coordinates/2, as it is a Retina 2x display.

Any workaround or any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • To anyone who might stumble into the same issue on a Mac, I was able to get it working by using a workaround that is using the pynput library.


    import pyautogui
    from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller
    mouse = Controller()