I'm trying to use the configuration as code (JCasC) plug-in to create a pipeline job that builds periodically, but I can't find the syntax for this anywhere online. I'm writing the configuration in YAML.
The "Build Periodically" field is under Build Triggers in the pipeline jobs and has a text field called Schedule. My schedule is 0 6-19 * * *
Is this even possible to do?
This is the yaml file that I am trying to edit:
- script: >
pipelineJob('test1/seedJobTest') {
description 'seedJobTest'
logRotator {
daysToKeep 10
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote {
credentials "xxx"
url 'xxx'
branches 'refs/head/master'
scriptPath 'Jenkinsfile'
extensions { }
configure { project ->
project / 'properties' / 'EnvInjectJobProperty' {
'info' {
project / 'properties' / 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.properties.DisableConcurrentBuildsJobProperty' {}
If using JCasC to configure your build/pipeline configuration:
To build periodically, regardless of SCM changes, you can add this block:
triggers {
cron('0 6-19 * * *')
To build periodically, only if there were SCM changes, you can use this block:
triggers {
scm('0 6-19 * * *')
To view this answer in context, here is a code snippet example:
- script: |
job('PROJ-unit-tests') {
scm {
triggers {
cron('0 6-19 * * *')
steps {
maven('-e clean test')
Snippet taken and adjusted from: https://github.com/jenkinsci/configuration-as-code-plugin/issues/876